Welcome to the “Fact or Opinion?” workbook! Inside you’ll find 68 pages of worksheets to help children learn the difference between facts and opinions.
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“Lovely really good resource for kids who don’t like work lol nice clear pages which are not over stimulating”
“I work with SEN children and these only take 5 minutes which if actioned daily add up to meaningful learning”
Welcome to the “Fact or Opinion?” workbook! Inside you’ll find 68 pages of worksheets to help children learn the difference between facts and opinions.
All kids need to know how to identify whether what they read is a fact or someone’s opinion. This skill is especially important as they reach the age of accessing information from the internet.
In this workbook, this vital skill is built incrementally. Early pages focus on thinking about how to prove a fact/opinion and also how to identify the clue words that are indicative of a fact or an opinion. Later levels introduce the concept of false facts.
Our workbooks are designed for learners who are working below grade level.
Each workbook develops key skills in small, incremental steps that build success for struggling learners, such as those with ASD, ADHD and similar.
We understand struggling learners, so our workbooks also have large print, lots of whitespace and minimal distractions.