Does your learner need help with writing paragraphs?
The How to Write an Awesome Paragraph Step-by-Step workbook teaches your students how to write a strong paragraph using a foolproof step-by-step process.
Purchase PDF here or see the link below to purchase a print copy from Amazon.
“Exactly what I was looking for. Step by step skills. Lots of practice before moving on to next topic. Thank you.”
“Lays a good foundation for structure. This does actually provide good step-by-step instruction on the composition of a paragraph. Excellent for new writers.”
Does your learner need help with writing paragraphs?
The How to Write an Awesome Paragraph Step-by-Step workbook teaches your students how to write a strong paragraph using a foolproof step-by-step process.
Each incremental lesson teaches one step and contains practice examples to build skill and confidence.
Students learn:
The parts of a paragraph
How to write a strong topic sentence
How to write relevant details that connect to the topic sentence
How to write a meaningful closing sentence
For each step, students learn the basic process and then are taught how to “upgrade” the element to be even stronger.
For topic sentences, students learn to upgrade by:
Adding a question
Introducing a comparison
Stating an interesting fact
Setting the scene with a description
Grabbing attention with shock/excitement
Similar clearly explained upgrades are taught for relevant details and closing sentences.
Being able to write a strong paragraph is important for all students. Students without strong paragraph skills will especially struggle when it comes to essays or other longer writing tasks.
This book is designed to help all late-elementary to high school students, but it is particularly useful for struggling or special needs students who will welcome the explicit steps which they can re-use each time they need to write a paragraph. The visual supports and incremental practice also build confidence in a wide range of students.
Grab this book and help your learner become a confident writer!
Now includes Answer Key!